HANDS Label Night Berlin 2024

SA06jan19:00HANDS Label Night Berlin 2024Alle VeranstaltungenKonzertKlängeElectro19:00(GMT+00:00) Urban Spree [Club], Revaler Str. 99, 10245 Berlin


We're over the moon to announce today that we'll celebrate again the New Year with a Hands Label Night BERLIN on Saturday, 6th January 2024 at Urban Spree! We prepared a massive line-up for you with 6 live concerts by AH CAMA-SOTZ, S.K.E.T., CERVELLO ELETTRONICO, MONYA, SYNTECH, SANS-FIN and DJ sets by UDO WIESSMANN and TEMPLER.


Januar 6, 2024 19:00(GMT+00:00)


Urban Spree [Club]

Revaler Str. 99, 10245 Berlin

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